15. 01. – 29. 01. 2022
“Mindful with yourself”
Coaching Intensive with Volker Tepp (cancelled)
An intense process of reflecting and rediscovering of our five senses, time to rest and meditate and an individual coaching about how to define and reach good goals for our life.
We use elements of radical constructiveness and the systemic approach of NLP.
Course language is German.
Volker Tepp
Contact: www.coachinginstitut.berlin
30. 01. – 28. 02. 2022
Love Yourself Yoga Teacher Training 200+
Intensive with Sonja Rössler
Start your Yoga Teacher Training now and enjoy spring on the island La Gomera.
This 200-LY-TeacherTraining is offered for the first time on Finca Argayall – training meets vacation, community, adventure.
As a place of refuge and retreat, currently only reachable by boat, the Finca is an ideal place to take a time out and go for transformation and healing, to look for new visions, connect with community life and a healthy lifestyle.
This intensive is not just a training. The intention is to create a chance to deepen your yoga path. Therefore ist is not only for people who want to become yoga teachers, but also for those who want to take one month to restore their health and find new orientation.
The contents of this officially recognized YTTs include: Asanas, Bandhas, Pranayama, Kriyas, Mantras, Mudras, 5 Elements & Chakras in theory as well as in the practice. There will be units about how to create a class, basics of anatomy, meditation and yoga nidra. Also the history and philosophy of yoga, ethics and lilfe style, yoga in the day-to day life, self development and business aspects are included.
– minimum 2 years of yoga practice
– personal talk, information and motivation, with the teacher ( telefone, email or Zoom. See contact.)
– Committment in your practice, self responsabilty and openess.
Course language is German!
Sonja Rosa Rössler is in charge of the LoveYourself Yogaausbildung and is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500+, Yoga Alliance) with more than 8000 teaching hours in yoga.
She teaches since 1994 at USI Vienna (Dance, Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Group Fitness) and co founded the Studio Perform. Sonjas stile and her classes are rooted in her love and passion for the dance, for movement and personal growth. She is trained in bodywork, TranceDance, ShaktiDance, Sound- and Dance therapy, The Work, Soul Coaching…) With this passion she wants to touch and ingite and empower you to grow into the best version of yourself.
Contact: www.loveyourself.at
16. 03. – 26. 03. 2022
“wild and free”
– a journey back to our nature
with Joanna Hussakowsa and Grace GreunerYona
Wild and free is what we are longing to be. Now more than ever.
In this week we have the opportunity to use the medicine of movement to explore how to come to what is always untamed and unbroken inside.
Joanna Hussakowska and Grace GreunerYona will use the maps of the 5 rhythms® and the mandala of Movement Medicine to co-create a journey back to our wild and free Self.
In the powerful and magic nature setting of Argayall we will work with movement, sharing and shamanic rituals.
We will create a safe space as a group and travel deep together.
Course languaguage is: English, Polish and German.
Joanna Hussakowska (Cracow, Poland) Graduated from Lodz Film School in 1985 and has twenty years’ experience as an actress in theater, film, and television. Fascinated by 5Rhtythms, she completed her training at Waves level 9 years ago and Heartbeat level 4 years ago.
Grace GreunerYona completed her 13 years long training with YaAcov and Susannah Darling Kahn and continues her healing work with people now as a fully graduated professional Movement Medicine teacher.
Contact: joanna@5rytmow.net und gracegreuner@yahoo.com
01. 04. – 15. 04. 2022
Transformative Touch
Holistic Bodywork Training
with Dani Yona
Holistic Bodywork is a professional training with a unique approach to to the mystery of the human body and touch.
It is not only comprised of physical techniques, it is a way of being, a philosophy of touch with the intention to touch others from our hearts and create a space for love and healing and explore human touch as a pathway for well-being and personal growth.
This training is almost fully booked already. .
Contact: dani@argayall.com
23. 04. – 04. 05. 2022
Peaceful Yoga retreat in nature
with Kate McKenzie
A special opportunity to delve deeper into your practise on a remote retreat in an environment close to nature where you can fully detach, unwind, find resource and new energy. This retreat offers eight days of immersive practise from Monday to Monday, with arrival and departure a day or two before or after. Allowing for a smoother start and end and time to settle into community life.
This eight day intensive retreat offers our own programme alongside optional offerings from the Finca community each morning before breakfast and later in the afternoon. The optional sessions on offer will include a variety of meditations, movement, dance and yoga. Or you can simply take this time to rest.
Kate will offer a mid morning class each day to gently open the body and attune the mind to the breath.The class will slowly move and build into a flowing and dynamic sequence, incorporating the cultivation of awareness, physical alignment, breath and the chakras (energy centres). As this is a two hour class, there will be time to practice variations, develop stamina, restore and revitalise. This class will be followed by lunch and time to relax.
The late afternoon sessions with Kate will further explore both the chakra and the elemental systems, through the practices of yin yoga, freeing movement, sound healing, mantra, meditation and more. These creative sessions aim to take us deeper into our hearts, our inner guidance and a sense of Oneness.
Throughout the retreat there will be two yoga free half days to allow time to take a trip or rest and restore.
Course language is English.
Kate McKenzie
Contact: www.yogaonashoestring.com
13. 05. – 21. 05. 2022
“Wise at Heart”
A Movement Medicine journey through the 4 dimensions of love
with Grace
Dancing we are going to explore our heart. And find: Love.
We move from the unconditional love of the mother and self love to the passionate, the romantic love.We remember and dive into the archaic ocean of emotional love. And cleansed we lift ourselves up into the realm of the soul, expand and embrace spiritual love.In the center of our heart, still and witnessing all, lives the wise one.This journey is designed for all who have danced with Grace already as well as for all who have experience with any of the conscious dance practices. More…
Course language is English.
Grace Greuner Yona
Contact: gracegreuner@yahoo.com
21. 05. – 28. 05. 2022
Journey through Chakras
Yoga retreat with Zuzi Balaziova
CHAKRAS are energy points in our body. Each chakra corresponds with various physical, emotional and mental attributes, depending on their location. When energy becomes blocked in a chakra, it creates an imbalance in our body which can lead to illnesses. Asana practice can free up this blocked energy and stimulate an imbalanced chakra.
During this week you will explore your body and your inner world through daily yoga practice. Each day we will focus on different chakra. We look into its qualities and attributes, and practice poses to empower and balance each chakra. Together we will create a safe space, in which we will encourage our body’s own ability to heal.
Zuzi Balaziova has been practicing yoga for 12 years, teaching for 6 years. She trained with elite teachers in London`s Triyoga studios.
Her teaching is intuitive, accommodating to every body type and every personality. Her intention is to serve her students and create warm and playful environment for students to explore their breath, mind and body. She is a qualified Reiki Master.
Course language is English.
Zuzana Balaziova
Contact: zuzana.balazi@googlemail.com
04. 06. – 11. 06. 2022
Tantra & Holiday – sensual joy of living
This week will inspire you for life
This seminar will be a powerful combination of self-awareness and group holiday. Through laughter yoga, energetic meditations, tantric rituals and body exercises, sensual encounters and highest awareness, the aim is to be touched from inside and outside. On a new, deep level of consciousness we will look inside, let visions emerge and entrench new insights for daily life. Common group activities will complete this special week. And of course, fun will be part of all! This seminar is meant for singles as well as for couples. We welcome experienced people as well as Tantra newcomers.
Seminar Language is German, partial English translation is possible.
Ralf Lieder, Felice Pospiech, Angela Mecking
Contact: www.tantraurlaube.de
25. 06. – 02. 07. 2022
Peaceful yoga retreat in nature
with Jess Horn
This will be Jess’s 4th time teaching a retreat at the Finca and it’s one of her favourite places to teach.
The incredible setting lends itself perfectly to retreating away from the busyness of everyday life and to connect with oneself and the power of the elements and nature.
The morning practice will be a slow strong flow and the afternoon more restorative or yin in nature.
Jess always incorporates pranayama, meditation, yogic philosophy and reflection into her retreats.
Course language is English.
Jess Horn
Contact: www.yogaonashoestring.com
02. 07. – 09. 07. 2022
Spiritual Artist Retreat (postponed to 2023!)
Four artists and spiritual practioners from Berlin, Celine, Alix , Arthur and Liam, will host the first artist and spirtual retreat at Argayall. We invite you to creat art with us exploring self development thourgh creativity and reconnection with nature. During the retreat you will be guided through then process of making Cyanotype and pinhole photographs using nature as inspiration.
You will learn to make vegan massage balms with essential oils and be schooled in alternative approaches to self care.
Throughout the creative process we will explore massage, yoga, singing and sound bowl meditation so we can witness how our creative process can really develop with awareness.
Celine Chappert: With a background in astrology, chemistry and graphic design, Celine brings a tool box of practical and sustainable skills that allows one to create their own products and practices for self-care.
Alix Lucas : With a background in energy healing and visual art, Alix will guide us through a reconnection process with our bodies using meditation as well as teaching us how to create cyanotypes, a simple form of mono printing using sun light which creates a blue (cyan) image, where it is possible to generate visual art using objects from nature, drawing or photography.
Arthur O’Connor: With a background in yoga and music therapy, Arthur will guide us through yoga training in the mornings and group singing and drumming in the evening. Regular mindfulness practice inspires creativity through balancing the body and mind.
Liam Scott Ward: With a background in photography and teaching art, Liam will show us how to make a simple coffee can into a working panoramic analogue camera. Using a simple chemical process, we develop our solar day photographs, which in turn reflects the inner alchemical process of inner growth.
Contact : liamscottward@gmail.com
15. 07. – 23. 07. 2022
Embodyment – 5Rhythms® workshop
with Joanna Hussakowska
Em-body-ment: of thoughts, events, history, memories, fear, pain, joy…taking away, bringing in, searching, discovering, decoding, expressing through the body and in the body. Awaken the body, embodying the self, wake up to life. The Rhythms will lead us: Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, Stillness®. We will dance them together and separate. Wave after wave, trusting this simple, but effective movement practice: 5Rhythms®.
Joanna Hussakowska (Cracow, Poland) Graduated from Lodz Film School in 1985 and has twenty years’ experience as an actress in theater, film, and television. Fascinated by 5Rhtythms, she completed her training at Waves level 9 years ago and Heartbeat level 4 years ago.
Contact: joanna@5rytmow.net
27. 07. – 05. 08. 2022
Heartbeat – 5Rhythms® workshop
with Joanna Hussakowska
This workshop is exclusively for participants from Joanna’s tribe in Poland.
Joanna Hussakowska (Cracow, Poland) Graduated from Lodz Film School in 1985 and has twenty years’ experience as an actress in theater, film, and television. Fascinated by 5Rhtythms, she completed her training at Waves level 9 years ago and Heartbeat level 4 years ago.
Contact: joanna@5rytmow.net
06. 08. – 03. 09. 2022
Argayall Experience
A month long educational work & study program for young adults and those who feel young at heart. We had an amazing first time experience in 2021 and are inviting now for the second edition. We are open for applications now and know that we will again embark this year together with a wonderful group on a journey of transformation. See more…
05. 09. – 12. 09. 2022
12. 09. – 19. 09. 2022
Lomi Practitioner I
Basic and Advanced Level
with Suramya Margareta Kappl
The work with ourselves including all the different techniques of the Kahunas of the old Hawai’i enables us to let go deeply on all levels of our being.
From this source we take our inspiration for the bodywork.
“flow is how the universe communicates with us” (Kahu Abraham von Kawai’i).
Course language is German, English translation is an option.
Suramya Margareta Kappl
Contact: www.lomi-ausbildung.de
19. 09. – 29. 09. 2022
Master Lomi Practitioner I
with Suramya Margareta Kappl
The work with ourselves including all the different techniques of the Kahunas of the old Hawai’i enables us to let go deeply on all levels of our being.
From this source we take our inspiration for the bodywork.
“flow is how the universe communicates with us” (Kahu Abraham von Kawai’i).
Course language is German, English translation is an option.
Suramya Margareta Kappl
Contact: www.lomi-ausbildung.de
07. 10. – 15. 10. 2022
ReSource – For all our relations
A Movement Medicine journey with Grace
Find your connection to the earth. Root yourself. Follow your feet. Express your fire. Dive into the ocean of your emotions. Dance until your feet grow wings and your soul feels free to fly.
In the six days of this workshop we will come together in person again and make the dance floor our sanctuary. As a group we will create a sacred space and and enjoy the magic of re-connecting and resourcing ourselves. In the wild, powerful nature setting of Argayall we will be dancing with the elements as allies and explore the roots of the Movement Medicine Mandala: All our relations! More…
Course language is English.
Grace Greuner Yona
Contact: gracegreuner@yahoo.com
15. 10. – 23. 10. 2022
Journey through Chakras
Yoga retreat with Zuzi Balaziova
CHAKRAS are energy points in our body. Each chakra corresponds with various physical, emotional and mental attributes, depending on their location. When energy becomes blocked in a chakra, it creates an imbalance in our body which can lead to illnesses. Asana practice can free up this blocked energy and stimulate an imbalanced chakra.
During this week you will explore your body and your inner world through daily yoga practice. Each day we will focus on different chakra. We look into its qualities and attributes, and practice poses to empower and balance each chakra. Together we will create a safe space, in which we will encourage our body’s own ability to heal.
Zuzi Balaziova has been practicing yoga for 12 years, teaching for 6 years. She trained with elite teachers in London`s Triyoga studios.
Her teaching is intuitive, accommodating to every body type and every personality. Her intention is to serve her students and create warm and playful environment for students to explore their breath, mind and body. She is a qualified Reiki Master.
Course language is English.
Zuzana Balaziova
Contact: zuzana.balazi@googlemail.com
27. 10. – 05. 11. 2022
Transformative Touch
Holistic Bodywork Advanced Training
with Dani Yona
Below the skin, beyond the bones
A new world is awaiting to be discovered.
Let’s dive into the mystery of energy work, spiritual healing and body memories.
Let’s welcome the magic. With love, respect, sensitivity and gratefulness.
Let’s have another beautiful experience in paradise.
The essence is love.
This training is for all those who have completed the basic training with Dani already.
The training will last six days, starting 29.10. There is time to arriv and time to integrate.
Contact: dani@argayall.com
05. 11. – 14. 11. 2022
Time to come home
with Holger Heiten
There is a place of paradise inside of us, waiting with open arms for us to come home, and which in fact we have never left. There we never stopped being who we really are and can regain what we thought we had lost. Following a powerful metaphor, we will make our way to this place. For this we will approach through body work, contemplative solo experiences in nature, breathing meditations, council rounds and a lot of time for ourselves, the realization of who we really are from the deepest spiritual point of view and what fog bombs usually make us see it disguise.
In the end, it will be about which practices we can use to stay connected to that place in everyday life.
Course language is German.
Holger Heiten
has been accompanying people for 25 years with the initiatic process support that he helped shape. He heads the Eschwege Institute and its further education academy Campus Peregrini, where he teaches and practices. He is the author of various books and specialist publications.
Contact: www.eschwege-institut.de, info@eschwege-institut.de
16.11. -27.11. 2022
” The 7 Temples of the Soul”
Flow Yoga – Trance Dance Retreat
with Sonja Rössler
An intensive retreat in the powerful setting of Argayall, embraced by the vulcanic rocks and the Atlantic Ocean, in which the forces of the elements will be used.
In the meditations, the yoga flows, the ShaktiDance sequences, through sound and movement improvisations and TRANCE dance journeys we will travel through the 7 main chakras. Each day the focus will be on one of them, exploring the qualities and use them to gain more clarity, awareness und fluidity in all aspects of our nature, meet the creator inside of us, feel sustainable living in community and allow visions to emerge..
Afternoons are for integration, taking sun and connecting with the elements on the place of power.
Course language is German!
Sonja Rosa Rössler is in charge of the LoveYourself Yogaausbildung and is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500+, Yoga Alliance) with more than 8000 teaching hours in yoga.
She teaches since 1994 at USI Vienna (Dance, Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Group Fitness) and co founded the Studio Perform. Sonjas stile and her classes are rooted in her love and passion for the dance, for movement and personal growth. She is trained in bodywork, TranceDance, ShaktiDance, Sound- and Dance therapy, The Work, Soul Coaching…) With this passion she wants to touch and ingite and empower you to grow into the best version of yourself.
Contact: www.loveyourself.at