Welcome to Finca Argayall

In the language of the native people of the Canary Islands our name means “place of light”. We live on a 4 acre estate (”finca” in Spanish), adjacent to a secluded bay on the Atlantic Ocean.

A video about the community life at Finca Argayall


The landslide in November 2020 changed our life on the Finca forever. The video tells the exciting story of our biggest challenge and how we have grown as a community.

Still without official help, we have found ways and means to continue living and working together in our paradise. It is now simply even more like stepping over a threshold into another world, when people come to us to find rest and healing. We are delighted that we are now able to welcome almost as many guests as before.

If you still want to support us financially with our next steps  you are welcome to:


About Us

Welcome to Finca Argayall 1 1 place of light Finca Argayall (La Gomera)

Project Argayall was founded in 1986 with the intention to create an alternative, experimental and experiential community.

The desire for sustainable living in community in this beautiful and unique setting forms the basis of our vision here on the Finca.

At any given time, approximately 20 people live and work here. Our ability to share this magical and powerful place with our guests enables us to keep this experiment alive and healthy.

Welcome to Finca Argayall 1 2 invite guests Finca Argayall (La Gomera)Welcoming Guests

We welcome guests for room and board as well as host seminars and workshops.

Visitors, both overnight guests and workshop participants, discover in this community a sense of personal transformation and freedom which impacts their lives during and after the time they spend here. The magical power of nature on Argayall draws many to return.




Welcome to Finca Argayall 1 3 organized 0 Finca Argayall (La Gomera)How We Organize Ourselves

Argayall is overseen by a group of shareholders who invest their time, hearts and money in its sustenance and continued growth. A management team directs the general operations of the community and the business.

Departments, including Guests, Kitchen, Garden and Technical, are lead by one person working together with a team. The permanent crew consists of about 15 people who commit on a long-term basis. To give many people the chance to experience community life, we have a number of positions for shorter terms.

Welcome to Finca Argayall 1 4 ideologie 0 Finca Argayall (La Gomera)Ideology

We have no fixed ideological beliefs nor do we, as a group, follow any particular teacher or master. We support and respect each individual’s path.

Community activities include Meditation, group process, Satsang, doing nothing, having fun, and dancing. Qualities we value are respect, self-responsibility, authenticity, integrity and creativity.

We are grateful to be here, and we hope that those who either are our guests or join us in working in community will feel the same.

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