The Hero’s Dance 2024 – last minute rebate

We invite you to join the cocreation of Grace and Anton: “The Hero’s Dance”.
The June journey is sucessfully completed and we prepare for the September date: 28.9.-5.10.

Until 6.7. you  can get the last minute rebate of Euro 100,-!
Find out more on the website and also the Instagram of the herosdance

There is a part in you which is ready for adventure:
Your inner hero!
Courageous, fearless and committed to realise all your potential.
We invite this hero onto the dance floor and on a trip into the unknown.
Through movement, dance, ritual and theatre we explore the character of your hero and the nature of his call.

We learn how to overcome what usually keeps us from following this call.
We allow magic to unfold and move towards our soul’s deepest longing.

Aligned, centred and empowered we return with new tools to bring the change we wish for into our lives.

This journey is for you if  you..

  • feel the need to change something in your life

  • want to find out what is your innermost calling

  • have the wish to reconnect with your body and your emotions

  • long for more aliveness and connection 

  • know that you have something more to contribute