11. 01. – 25. 01. 2025
“Mindful with yourself”
Coaching Intensive with Volker Tepp
An intense process of reflecting and rediscovering of our five senses, time to rest and meditate and an individual coaching about how to define and reach good goals for our life.
We use elements of radical constructiveness and the systemic approach of NLP.
Course language is German.
Volker Tepp
Contact: www.coachinginstitut.berlin
25. 01. – 22. 02. 2025
Love Yourself Yoga Teacher Training 200+
Intensive with Sonja Rössler
Start your Yoga Teacher Training now and enjoy spring on the island La Gomera.
This 200-LY-TeacherTraining is offered at Finca Argayall – training meets vacation, community, adventure. As a place of refuge and retreat, you can take a time out and go for transformation and healing, to look for new visions, connect with community life and a healthy lifestyle.
This intensive is not just a training. The intention is to create a chance to deepen your yoga path. Therefore ist is not only for people who want to become yoga teachers, but also for those who want to take one month to restore their health and find new orientation.
The contents of this officially recognized YTTs include: Asanas, Bandhas, Pranayama, Kriyas, Mantras, Mudras, 5 Elements & Chakras in theory as well as in the practice. There will be units about how to create a class, basics of anatomy, meditation and yoga nidra. Also the history and philosophy of yoga, ethics and lilfe style, yoga in the day-to day life, self development and business aspects are included.
– minimum 2 years of yoga practice
– personal talk, information, and motivation, with the teacher (telefone, email or Zoom. See contact.)
– Committment in your practice, self responsabilty and openess.
Course language is German.
Sonja Rosa Rössler is in charge of the LoveYourself Yogaausbildung and is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500+, Yoga Alliance) with more than 8000 teaching hours in yoga.
She teaches since 1994 at USI Vienna (Dance, Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Group Fitness) and co founded the Studio Perform. Sonjas stile and her classes are rooted in her love and passion for the dance, for movement and personal growth. She is trained in bodywork, TranceDance, ShaktiDance, Sound- and Dance therapy, The Work, Soul Coaching…) With this passion she wants to touch and ingite and empower you to grow into the best version of yourself.
Contact: www.loveyourself.at
22. 02. – 15. 03. 2025
“Mediation meets Meditation”
Certified Training as Mediator
130hrs (ZMediatAusbV) with Brigitte Gans
Have you always wanted to dive deeper into the art of communication? Develop your way of communicating? Learn to turn conflicts into opportunities? Create a solid foundation as a professional mediator?
This course offers the unique opportunity to fulfill three of your heart’s desires at once: To learn the “tongue of the mediator” with certification that meets the requirements of being a “certified mediator” under federal law. To practice daily silent meditation, conscious breathing and yoga and integrate them into conflict work. And to have 3 weeks of space for personal growth- in a paradise place by the sea!
The course teaches how to support others step by step to come out of a conflict dynamic into a clarification and solution dynamic. This can be used privately or at work – or offered professionally as a service. The intensive daily training in a small group and the daily meditation practice promotes one’s own growth and the integration of the new skills. Find a video with further information: here
To complete the course, the following online modules must be attended in addition to the attendance time on La Gomera: Legal module on 16/17.05.24, ‘Online Mediation’ on 12.4.24, one practice evening in June/July.
Course language is German.
Brigitte Gans is mediator since 1995 and trainer for meditation since 25 years (certified by NCRC San Diego and Bundesverband Mediation BM). Founder of the Center for Mediation and Moderation CMM (www.cfmm.de) and of AKIM, All-Party Conflict Management in Munich at the LH Munich (www.muenchen.de/akim).
Since 2014 intensive advanced trainings and assistance in bodywork. Yoga teacher RY200.
Jochen Glogau is a certified teacher of mindfulness and MBSR according to Jon Kabat-Zinn, certified body therapist for Rebalancing (Osho Multiversity, Poona, India) since 1995. He leads the introduction to meditation and mindfulness.
Contact and further information: here
Contact: Brigitte Gans: gans@cfmm.de
15. 03. – 22. 03. 2025
“The Hero’s Dance”
with Grace & Anton
We call you onto an adventure! Are you ready to leave the circle of the known behind and embark on a journey of transformation and empowerment? Then join us in this secluded bay on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. In a paradise garden, held between vulcanic mountains and the rhythm of the waves, we reconnect with the powers of nature and dive deep into our inner world.
We use the tools of the consciuos dance practice Movement Medicine® , combined with elements of Gestalt therapy and invite you to meet your inner hero. Capable of facing the demons of resistance the hero leads us in this dancing exploration.
What we are looking for is a deeper awareness of who we are and an integration of light and dark. So we can come back empowered, with a new sense of self and purpose, able to bring more joy and creativity to the dance of our life.
More information…
Course language is English, German translation possible.
Contact for prices and booking:
29. 03. – 05. 04. 2025
“Uncover our heart’s truth”
A yoga retreat with Kate McKenzie
A special opportunity to delve deeper into your practise on a remote retreat in an environment close to nature where you can fully detach, unwind, find resource and new energy.
This retreat offers our own programme alongside optional offerings from the Finca community each morning before breakfast and later in the afternoon. The optional sessions on offer will include a variety of meditations, movement, dance and yoga. Or you can simply take this time to rest.
The morning classes will gently expand the body & breath & build into a flowing dynamic sequence, before returning to stillness.
Each session will primarily focus on one of the chakras ~ exploring the associated physical, energetic, emotional and mental qualities.
This awareness will allow you to develop strength and flexibility while gaining valuable insights that nurture your life.
The afternoon sessions explore the space from which you can hear your heart’s messages.
Through the chakra and elemental systems, freeing movement, sound healing, yin yoga, mantra, singing, meditation and more, you’ll be encouraged to connect with your heart, light up your intuition, and ignite the fire in your belly, ready for aligned action!
Course language is English.
Kate McKenzie
Contact: YOAS Yoga Retreat La Gomera
05. 04. – 12. 04. 2025
Awake your true nature – a journey to your inner shamanic art
with Arouna Brodegger
Since the dawn of humanity, indigenous peoples have used red ocher in rituals to connect with the earth, with the ancestors, with the elementals and the forces of nature. On our journey to our own true nature, red ocher will be our travel guide. The ritual with red ochre on our skin connects us with the earth.
The shamanic trace opens up spaces of consciousness, from the depths of which creativity is fed and can reveal itself in intuitive painting with red ocher and other natural pigments.
The journeys to your personal cosmogram and the multidimensional language of symbols opens the door to your soul language.
The combination of painting with earth pigments, rituals and trance journeys allows us to express our creative power freely and wildly.
Treatment techniques of earth pigments.
Painting with earth pigments and awakening creativity.
Red ocher in human history.
Geomancy – expanded sensory perception to understand the oracle of the earth.
Pacha Mama ritual with body painting.
Shamanic journeys, the journey to the personal cosmogram, the language of symbols.
Expanded sensory perception through visionary trance.
No prior art experience is needed. Be willing to step beyond the known, and into the unknown.
All materials are provided.
Course language: German and English
Arouna Barbara Brodegger
Arouna leads the group with a lifetime of artistic experience, with the expanded perception of the geomancer, the nature experience of the permaculture designer and the wildness of the wilderness companion. Her art focuses on free painting with natural pigments and researching the use of red ochre in archaic culture.
Contact: www.brodegger.at / www.earthart.at and registration: arouna@brodegger.at
12. 04. – 19. 04. 2025
“wise at heart” – a Movement Medicine® journey through our emotions
with Grace Greuner
With this question we are facing the agony of war, the pain of loss and the seemingly paradoxical truth that there is sadness and happiness possible at the same time. The answer arises when we take the courage to face and feel the whole range of emotions. When we understand that there are no negative or positive emotions, that essentially they are Energy in Motion.
Each of these emotions is at home in one chamber of the heart in the MOVEMENT MEDICINE ® Mandala.
Choosing to go there, supported by the elements each chamber is connected to and exploring the shapes and moves and expressions, we get to know the alchemical process of transforming them into powerful life enhancing qualities.
Let’s do it together.
Grace is a fully graduated professional MOVEMENT MEDICINE ® teacher. Her passion for dance and her trust in the the power of reconnecting with the elements inspires. She loves to create ceremonial space and to invite the sacred back into our life. With the wisdom of an elder and and the fire of a dancing warrior she knows how to make dance a real journey of personal transformation.
Course language is English.
Contact: Grace Greuner-Yona
19.04. – 26.04.2025
“The secret of life lies in the moisture of the breath” Hawaian Touch – pleasure and deepening week
with Marion Kalteis
Hawaiian Touch is not just a physical massage art, but a spiritual art to accompany people holistically. Our hands are the extension of the heart. When we touch one person, we touch an entire universe. Through conscious breathing we increase our frequency, it is the basis for any form of energetic work.
We experience ourselves in depth and transform our habitual patterns, lovingly let go of the old, and allow new things to enter our lives.
– Yoga, meditation and mindfulness practice – flying as a spiritual form of movement for flow – massage art Lomi Lomi Nui 2 – 3 sessions daily – activities or silence in the community – sunsets and wonderful food on the finca – celebrate life together.
We do not teach any specific Lomi style. Our common focus rests on the essence of the inner teachings, the harmonization of body, mind and soul as well as one’s own orientation.
“When the breath, the Qi, the life force, the ever living force is found, then there is no need to discuss methods anymore. The methods only serve to lead us to find the qi that is neither inside nor outside but permeates all of life.” (Reshad Field)
Advanced and beginners welcome. Course language is German.
Marion Kalteis
26. 04. – 03.05. 2025
“Time – Just for you!”
Yoga Retreat with Sandra Bohnenpoll
This Yoga Retreat offers you the opportunity to arrive fully in the here and now without distractions from the outside or the urge to have to do anything. Self-love and self-care are the main focus of this week and form the basis for the daily yoga practice. The yoga exercises, breathing and relaxation techniques will be individually adapted to your physical and mental needs. Thus, under paradisiacal conditions, you have the opportunity to lovingly devote yourself to the issues that often find no room in everyday life.
Sandra Bohnenpoll has been teaching yoga groups since 2009 and has been running the yoga school “zum Glück gibts Yoga” in Hildesheim since 2015. Furthermore, she accompanies people with a wide variety of mental and physical issues in private sessions and passes on her knowledge in advanced training courses.
Course language is German.
Contact: www.zumglueckgibtsyoga.de
03. 05. – 10.05. 2025
this week is available
10.05. – 24.05.2025
24.05. – 31.05.2025
“wild and free”
– a dance journey back to our nature
with Joanna Hussakowsa and Grace GreunerYona
Wild and free is what we are longing to be. Now more than ever.
In this week we have the opportunity to use the medicine of movement to explore how to come to what is always untamed and unbroken inside.
Joanna Hussakowska and Grace GreunerYona will use the maps of the 5 rhythms® and the mandala of MOVEMENT MEDICINE ® to co-create a journey back to our wild and free Self.
In the powerful and magic nature setting of Argayall we will work with movement, sharing and shamanic rituals.
We will create a safe space as a group and travel deep together.
Course languaguage is: English, Polish and German.
Joanna Hussakowska (Cracow, Poland) Graduated from Lodz Film School in 1985 and has twenty years’ experience as an actress in theater, film, and television. Fascinated by 5Rhtythms, she completed her training at Waves level 9 years ago and Heartbeat level 4 years ago.
Grace GreunerYona completed her 13 years long training with YaAcov and Susannah Darling Kahn in 2021 and continues her healing work with people now as a fully graduated professional MOVEMENT MEDICINE ® teacher.
Contact: joanna@5rytmow.net and gracegreuner@yahoo.com
31.05. – 07.06.2025
Family and System Constellations
with Karl-Heinz Wey
We can do much more than we know; but self-knowledge has its limits where our patterns and behaviours are legacies or entanglements of our families of origin. This is where family constellations can help us to gain a new perspective, reveal patterns and open up new possibilities.
Questions, problems and decisions accompany our lives. It is not always easy to choose and find solutions.
Systemic constellations can provide support here. What do I want at heart? Where is my heart actually leaning? What new paths does my soul want to take?
I would like to offer you space and time to consider your concerns and questions in a protected atmosphere.
During this week we will look at your questions and concerns together and offer space to consider them.
I look forward to meeting you in this wonderful place and to everything that is allowed to show itself there!
Course language is German.
Karl-Heinz Wey
After basic and advanced training in conflict management/crisis intervention and mediation, further training in emergency counselling and grief counselling followed. He then deepened his counselling work through systemic training. Since 2010, he has been working in his own practice, specialising in ‘trauma treatment’. Since 2010, he has regularly carried out constellations in groups and in individual settings.
In addition to systemic therapy, Karl-Heinz Wey is also an EASC-certified coach and is trained in therapeutic tools such as EMDR, Audiofocus, medical hypnosis and the basics of behavioural therapy.
Contact: info@wey-beratung.de
07. 06. – 14. 06. 2025
Tantra & Holiday – sensual joy of living
This week will inspire you for life
This seminar will be a powerful combination of self-awareness and group holiday. Through laughter yoga, energetic meditations, tantric rituals and body exercises, sensual encounters and highest awareness, the aim is to be touched from inside and outside. On a new, deep level of consciousness we will look inside, let visions emerge and entrench new insights for daily life. Common group activities will complete this special week. And of course, fun will be part of all! This seminar is meant for singles as well as for couples. We welcome experienced people as well as Tantra newcomers.
Seminar Language is German, partial English translation is possible.
Ralf Lieder & Angela Mecking
Contact: www.tantraurlaube.de
14. 06. – 21. 06. 2025
21. 06. – 28. 06. 2025
“The essence of being”
– a yoga retreat with Susannah Hoffman
This beautiful venue, surrounded by all of nature allows for the perfect opportunity to bring aspects of yoga often forgotten into play, so that you can discover a deeper awareness within and re-connect with nature and our own true self.
We will explore the elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water, the associated Chakras and how they relate to the postures. Be prepared to play and explore and most of all to laugh.
Susannah has been practising yoga since childhood and teaching for over 20 years. Her teaching style is intuitive and creative.Susannah’s classes have a meditative quality and work on the principles of ‘Sthira and Sukham’ – (form and experience, strength and softness). So although her classes can be quite demanding they are also deeply relaxing. Susannah has an innate understanding of the body which enhances her ability to teach yoga. In addition she has studied holistic, and thai massage, herbalism, Reiki and crystal healing – and therefore has a very broad and balanced view of the body. She taught the triyoga teacher training programme for 14yrs and now teaches her own, ‘The Essence of Being’ a 200hr + yoga training as well as her ‘teaching yoga to children’ teacher training and on going courses. Susannah is a BWY teacher and a SYT YogaPro with YAPUK teacher. She is also an experienced Doula (birth partner) and trained with the famous Obstetrician and Birth pioneer Michel Odent.
Course language is English.
Contact: susannahhoffman108@icloud.com
28. 06. – 19. 07. 2025
19.07. – 26. 07. 2025
“Happy and invigorated back into life”
a yoga and happiness retreat with Corinne Egger and Susanne Letmathe
Would you like to go on holiday in paradisiacal surroundings, switch off from everyday life and relax?
Do you want to feel inner peace again, find your strength and realise your full potential?
Would you like to experience more joy again, find lightness and strengthen your heart energy?
‘Open your arms to change, but don’t lose sight of your values.’ (Dalai Lama)
You will practise yoga and harmonise your chakras, experience and understand what subtle energy is and learn the basic exercises of power. Learn healing exercises, (guided) meditations and breathing techniques to help you achieve deep relaxation. You will also practise pranayama to release mental blockages and promote clear perception. You can also look forward to dancing, laughing and singing together.
Susanne Letmathe
Susanne is a qualified teacher for 1st to 10th grade for the subjects maths, sports and German and she is a happiness teacher (training for the school subject of happiness/developed by Ernst Fritz-Schubert), Trainer for the basic exercises of strength (developed by Michael Schmidt from the Quan Dao martial art),
Laughter yoga instructor (according to Madan Katharia) and Holistic health counsellor (according to Rüdiger Dahlke).
Corinne Egger
For Corinne, sport, exercise, spirituality and everything in harmony with nature are the cornerstones of her life. She is a qualified sports and English teacher and has been teaching for 22 years at various schools and is at home in the Engadin. She is a yoga teacher and completed her training at the Yoga University in Villeret and Yoga therapist (Ayur Yoga, trained by Remo Rittiner) and Thai yoga masseuse (Thai Massage Vacanza Switzerland and Greece).
Contact: corinne.egger@gmx.net
26. 07. – 02. 08. 2025
“Jump into Life”
a 5Rhythms® workshop with Joanna Hussakowska
This workshop is an invitation to dance with the lightness of being and allow joy into your life.
Joanna offers a sweet exploration of the rhythm of Lyrical, open for dancers from all over the world.
Joanna Hussakowska (Cracow, Poland) Graduated from Lodz Film School in 1985 and has twenty years’ experience as an actress in theater, film, and television. Fascinated by 5Rhtythms, she completed her training at Waves level 12 years ago and Heartbeat level 7 years ago.
Contact: joanna@5rytmow.net
02. 08. – 30. 08. 2025
“Argayall Experience”
A month long educational work & study program for young adults and those who feel young at heart. We had an amazing first time experience in 2021, and brought it onto a new level in 2023 and 2024. Now we invite you to join the fourth edition. We are open for applications already and are happy to take you on this magical journey of transformation.
More information…
01. 09. – 11. 09. 2025
“Master Training Lomi Lomi”
with Suramya Margareta Kappl
This training is for all Lomi-Lovers, who really want to know it : it is about refining the bodywork and learning new possibilities of the bodywork to adress the body, soul and spirit. With „Lomi Oluli“ and „Lomi Oluea“ in the lineage of Kahu Abraham from Kawai’i we dive deeper in the hawaiian bodywork. We learn how to relieve the body of burdons and how to ignite the fire.
The more we understand the Kahuna principles and the more we implement them in the bodywork, the the doing disappears and the massage just happens by itself. The one who is giving the massage, the one who is recieeving the massage and that which is given become just one – a new dimension of bodywork is happening.
„Flow is how the universe communicates with us“
(Kahu Abraham von Kawai’i)
Course language is German, English translation is an option.
Suramya Margareta Kappl
Contact: www.lomi-ausbildung.de
11. 09. – 20. 09. 2025
“Lomi Lomi Beyond Master”
mit Suramya Margareta Kappl
This training is intended for all Master Lomi Practitioners who wish to dive even deeper into the work with Lomi Lomi and who are also ready to go even further on their own journey on the pathway to the stars – Ke ala Hoku.
Course language is German, English translation is an option.
Contact: www.lomi-ausbildung.de
20.09.- 27.09.2025
27.09. – 04. 10. 2025
A shamanic yoga retreat
with Zuzi and Livia
Would you like to develop deeper connection with yourself and re-connect with your purpose in life?
Livia and Zuzi will take you on a journey of transformation and self-discovery, through connecting to the power and wisdom of the elements, which are strongly present at Finca Argayall.
You will have an opportunity to explore your body and soul in daily Chakra Yoga session and shamanic practices and ceremonies like Sweat Lodge, Shaman dance, Drum Journey, Plant Communication and more.
Every day we will start with a yoga class, where we connect to the elements within us, by delving into our energy centres – the chakras. This will help us to increase our awareness and open space for further exploration in the afternoon shamanic practices. Classes are beginner friendly.
Ceremonies hold a special place in many cultures as a way to honour and connect with the sacred. During our seminar, we will together create sacred space, set intentions, and invite spiritual guidance into our lives. This can be deeply transformative, helping us to release what no longer serves us and embrace new beginnings.
Come and join us in a celebration of your unique self!
Zuzi Balaziova has been practicing yoga for 13 years, teaching for 7 years. She trained with elite teachers in London`s Triyoga studios.Her teaching is intuitive, accommodating to every body type and every personality. Her intention is to serve her students and create warm and playful environment for students to explore their breath, mind and body. She is a qualified Reiki Master.
Livia Sauter is a professional, passionate gardener with a heart that beats for nature and the plants. She is deeply connected with the Permaculture garden of Finca Argayall by living and working here over 5 years. She loves to communicate with the Spirit of the Plants, to explore other dimensions and states of consciousness, to create ceremonies and celebrate life. Shamanism and the wisdom of the medicine wheel she learned at the Quetzal Coatl Lodge in Switzerland, practicing over 10 years, which is the base of her work. Together with the knowledge of the medicinal power of plants, spiritual-energetic healing, Tao-geomancy, Yogateacher and Neurographica Specialist coach she created a unique ceremonial self realization work.
Course language is English.
Contact: zuzana.balazi@googlemail.com
04. 10. – 11. 10. 2025
Peaceful yoga retreat in nature
with Jess Horn
This will be Jess’s 5th time teaching a retreat at the Finca and it’s one of her favourite places to teach.
The incredible setting lends itself perfectly to retreating away from the busyness of everyday life and to connect with oneself and the power of the elements and nature.
The morning practice will be a slow strong flow and the afternoon more restorative or yin in nature.
Jess always incorporates pranayama, meditation, yogic philosophy and reflection into her retreats.
Course language is English.
Jess Horn
More info: https://yoasyogaretreats.com/
Your teacher: www.https://yoasyogaretreats.com/teacher/#jess-hornring.com
11. 10. – 18. 10. 2025
“Making Love Retreat”
mit Jasmin und Max Muzio
During this weeklong retreat, created by Diana & Michael Richardson, a couple is given completely new insights into sex and its function within a relationship. Most of the unhappiness experienced in love has its source in the dissatisfaction with sex.
When the underlying truth of sex is clarified, sex can become a healing force instead of a disruptive one.
The key lies in a new perception of the genitals: how they interact and how male and female energy communicate with each other.
Also participants are given tools for communication and regulation, so they can gain an inner sense of safety and empowerment.
Through this understanding of making love and in adding our background of Somatic Experiencing (trauma therapy by Peter Levine), a very safe and grounded space is created where true healing and transformation can emerge naturally.
Max & Jasmin have been together for over 10 years and are parents of three children.
The Making Love approach has accompanied them since the beginning of their relationship and has shown how to make love the very priority in life. Today, they share their knowledge in retreats and in individual consultations with people from all over the world who want to rediscover loving sexuality.
Info: www.makingloveretreat.com
Contact: makingloveretreat@gmail.com
18. 10. – 25.10. 2025
“Moon Women Retreat – Awaken the Goddess in You”
An elemental journey in which we ignite the inner goddess through nature
with Esther Lindner and Sandra Bohnenpoll.
A nurturing retreat that may provide healing and new strength. Explore your feminine role and identity. Heal your primal wound that is a recurring block. Find self-love, detached from external validation. Break through recurring cycles. Gain new perspectives and inspiration. – Nourish your soul.
First of all, it is time to arrive. In you and in this sacred, healing place.
We nourish the soul through moments of silence, closeness to nature and honouring oneself. We set energies in motion through reflections, conversation circles and yoga. We break through blocks of consciousness and bring healing through shamanic and tantric processes and ceremonies. Each day is dedicated to a particular element of your Self so that on the final evening we can join together and honour each other as a whole.
The journey follows the flow of the medicine wheel to have an alchemical effect on our holistic system. What does this mean? The elements that move all life in the world, and are part of all form and manifestation, allow us to recognise and heal different aspects of ourselves as a woman. We follow this process to heal and nurture different aspects of the feminine day by day so that she comes together as a whole in a new form at the end of the journey. Each day is supported by the totality of our therapy systems. You will experience different ceremonies, soul flights and meditations each day, as well as reflective themes, yoga and tantra processes to get the energies flowing. We also allow for enough time for you to reflect and, of course, soak up the sun. Either go and enjoy the gardens or explore the beaches during this free time. The week is balanced between doing and resting. Active and passive. Yin and Yang. Outside and inside.
Esther-Maria Lindner has been teaching with various shamans over the last 20 years. Her main training has come from the Andes in Peru and the prairies of South Dakota, but she has also worked with Mayan shamans, Australian Aboriginals, Ecuadorian, Canadian and Celtic shamans. She has also studied many energy healing arts with a focus on Reiki Jin Kei Do and Buddho. She has also accompanied many women and couples since 2010 as a Doula and Maya-Baby therapist. Psychic since birth but power trained over the last 21 years, seeing is an integral part of her offering.
Sandra Bohnenpoll has been accompanying children and adults on their yoga path in group and individual classes since 2009. She teaches in a needs-oriented way and adapts the classes to the physical and emotional issues of her students. Furthermore, coaching sessions, for example in case of a life crisis or decision-making question, are also part of her field of activity. Since 2015 she has been running the yoga school *zum Glück gibts Yoga* in Hildesheim and works there together with Esther.
Course language is german.
Contact: email to Esther
Tel: +491751913656
25. 10. – 01.11. 2025
This week is offered already
01. 11. – 08. 11. 2025
“The Hero’s Dance”
with Grace & Anton
We call you onto an adventure! Are you ready to leave the circle of the known behind and embark on a journey of transformation and empowerment? Then join us in this secluded bay on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. In a paradise garden, held between vulcanic mountains and the rhythm of the waves, we reconnect with the powers of nature and dive deep into our inner world.
We use the tools of Movement Medicine, combined with elements of Gestalt therapy and invite you to meet your inner hero. Capable of facing the demons of resistance the hero leads us in this dancing exploration.
What we are looking for is a deeper awareness of who we are and an integration of light and dark. So we can come back empowered, with a new sense of self and purpose, able to bring more joy and creativity to the dance of our life.
More information…
Course language is English, German translation possible.
Contact for prices and booking:
08. 11. – 15. 11. 2024
” The 7 Temples of the Soul”
Flow Yoga – Trance Dance Retreat
with Sonja Rössler
An intensive retreat in the powerful setting of Argayall, embraced by the vulcanic rocks and the Atlantic Ocean, in which the forces of the elements will be used.
In the meditations, the yoga flows, the ShaktiDance sequences, through sound and movement improvisations and TRANCE dance journeys we will travel through the 7 main chakras. Each day the focus will be on one of them, exploring the qualities and use them to gain more clarity, awareness und fluidity in all aspects of our nature, meet the creator inside of us, feel sustainable living in community and allow visions to emerge..
Afternoons are for integration, taking sun and connecting with the elements on the place of power.
Course language is German!
Sonja Rosa Rössler is in charge of the LoveYourself Yogaausbildung and is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500+, Yoga Alliance) with more than 8000 teaching hours in yoga.
She teaches since 1994 at USI Vienna (Dance, Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Group Fitness) and co founded the Studio Perform. Sonjas stile and her classes are rooted in her love and passion for the dance, for movement and personal growth. She is trained in bodywork, TranceDance, ShaktiDance, Sound- and Dance therapy, The Work, Soul Coaching…) With this passion she wants to touch and ingite and empower you to grow into the best version of yourself.
Contact: www.loveyourself.at
15. 11. – 22. 11. 2025
“Give your gift”
with Holger Heiten
Within us, a unique gift dreams of being given, and nothing in life is more fulfilling than realising this dream.
What is your unique gift?
What has prevented you from giving it?
What is calling you and is your vocation?
In this workshop we will remember together who we really are. Then we will track down your potential using highly effective methods that build on each other. You will give your dream, your calling, a name and find out what has prevented you from living it. You will learn how to overcome the obstacle and release the power bound up in it.
Because: There is a reason why you are here.
You are, as the mystic Jeru Kabbal once said, a unique flower in the garden we call life. You bring something into the world that no one else could bring. Without your fragrance, your song, your colour, your voice, the world would not be the same, you have a right to be here and a place that belongs only to you, that would always be empty if you did not occupy it. Take it and give your gift!
The gift of giving from your place is that it does not exhaust you, but fulfils you. Being able to give is a gift.
This workshop is designed for people of all ages. It helps people who find it difficult to choose the right profession, as well as those who have a big, often unspoken dream or vision within them, but have so far, for some unknown reason, prevented themselves from realising it.
Holger Heiten has been accompanying people for 25 years with the initiatic process support that he helped shape. He heads the Eschwege Institute and its further education academy Campus Peregrini, where he teaches and practices. He is the author of various books and specialist publications.
The course language is German.
Contact: Eschwege Institute
22. 11. – 29. 11. 2025
Embodyment – 5Rhythms® workshop
with Joanna Hussakowska
Em-body-ment: of thoughts, events, history, memories, fear, pain, joy…taking away, bringing in, searching, discovering, decoding, expressing through the body and in the body. Awaken the body, embodying the self, wake up to life. The Rhythms will lead us: Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, Stillness®. We will dance them together and separate. Wave after wave, trusting this simple, but effective movement practice: 5Rhythms®.
Joanna Hussakowska (Cracow, Poland) Graduated from Lodz Film School in 1985 and has twenty years’ experience as an actress in theater, film, and television. Fascinated by 5Rhtythms, she completed her training at Waves level 12 years ago and Heartbeat level 7 years ago.
Contact: joanna@5rytmow.net
29. 11. – 06. 12. 2025
Shaktibliss – A journey to the sources of your love lust
with Mayonah Bliss & Team
Time to lift the veils of thought that separate you from yourself & creation.
Time to feel yourself and to let the solidified flow in your heart & womb.
Time to awaken the Shakti in your body and womb.
Time to open your pores to body bliss.
Time to dive deeper into the beauty of Mother Nature and let her power flow through you:
Become a vessel for love, lust and vibrant shaktibliss:
Shaktiyoga, a trance dance and Shakti breath journey support our inner cleansing and opening process.
A special focus this week is on awakening the source of your love lust: your yoni.
In a trustfull space of sisterhood we turn to our intimate feminine flower and listen to its voice in the Yonitalk.
In a yoni self-massage we extensively explore our inner landscape and explore our female source of happiness, the G-spot.
There is plenty of space for sharing knowledge and experience about female sexuality.
We open up new spaces of sensation in a mutual yoni massage and experience a magical yoni worship ritual.
In between the sessions there will be enough time to wander around the finca and the surrounding area, lie by the sea and let your soul dangle.
Come and discover the beauty, magic, power and desire in your womb! Welcome to the journey to the sources of your love lust!
In between the sessions there will be enough of time to roam around the finca and the surrounding area, lie by the sea and let your mind wander. Come and discover the beauty, magic, power and lust in your womb! Welcome to the journey to the sources of your love lust!
Prerequisite for participation is the introduction to womb space work as taught in the 3rd module of the Temple of Femininity, or similar previous experience.
Mayonah A.Bliss I see myself as a pioneer of awakened femininity, yogini, modern priestess and pioneer of womb space work (since 1999). For 22 years I have been leading women’s temple seminars and accompanying women in groups or individually in the healing of femininity and especially in the awakening of the womb space.
Course language is German.
Info: www.weiblichkeit-erwacht.de
Contact: corinna@weiblichkeit-erwacht.de